In the last months some things changed in my life – well, things change all the time, for all of us! -. On a personal level I reconciled with people that had always a great impact on me, positive and many times negative, on a professional level I lost some things and gained others. Financially I realized that I am poorer then I thought, then I admitted to myself that I have more than many other people and I don t actually lack things that I need, but rather things that I want – between needs and desires there is many times a great gap -.
I came to the conclusion that I became somehow older, wiser and therefore more positive. I overcame this way some obstacles, different that I would have some years ago! Being positive in life is not always about what you own, what you are! Its more about how you see yourself and those around! And being positive is often linked with recognising what and who is around you, who is valuable or not, which life situations and what people can help you find and walk on your own path in life!
This is why I am always surprised and ask myself why is it so difficult for us to appreciate people for what they are? So many times, I see artists, actors, athletes, involved in tragic events: nobody spoke of them nicely before, nobody came out publicly recognising their merits. Coleagues, competitors of yours, completely neutral for you, suddenly get sick or die and by miracle they start capture everybodies attention, everyone says how great they are/were! Why now, why not before?
What is it that makes us feel more comfortable to say good things about those that passed away rather than about the ones that are still with us on this earth, about those far from us rather than about those close to us? Is it that we are so competitive with ourselves, so afraid of recognising our own merits and flaws, that we become insecure when we say good things about others?
Being human and being imperfect go hand in hand. But don t forget to say thanks to friends, to show appreciation for those around you that achieve good things for them and others. Imperfect humans , imperfect coleagues, imperfect family members are the ones who impact you the most, appreciate what they say about life and not just what some people million miles of you say in articles like this. Do it while they are still here. Accept your own imperfection and maybe, maybe you will learn to accept that just in your immediate ,,neighbourhood,,, you can find great people that you can learn from. Don t learn just from those far, learn from those near you. Despite their flaws, they are a great source of fuel for you to walk the path of life!