People don t know to make the best out of the reality of their own lives!, its one phrase from a book that I am currently reading. And I find it more than accurate, since so many complain about what they have, without thinking of building on it. Being aware of our own realities does not mean giving up on our dreams! It just means that we need to control and use what we have, so that we can make the best of our lives!
When ever I meet new people, I become enthusiastic, I see everything in a different light! Its like I am in an Age were maps of the world are smaller, and then suddenly, the people s image of the World undergoes radical changes, and all maps and possible routes change. Every new person I meet and study thouroughly is like a new continent, a new line of the horizon. There are people that make me reconsider my path or actions in life, as well as others who bear no influence on me, and I just disregard them completely. I met this last week, happy people, sad people, troubled people, all aspiring to happiness though, despite their differencies. As always, you can never learn from books, the things that you can learn from people! So, if you need a reality check up call, if you really want to see were you stand objectively, go out there, meet someone new, a stranger, a coleague, a neighbour and lower your shields and walls, show your self and the other will mirror you as you truelly are. Since its a stranger, you have nothing to loose!
And one more lesson I learned today, is that some moments in time,never repeat themselves, so pay attention to moments that need to be taken, not postponed because they may get lost forever!
I promised myself to learn new things from every thing I do, from all those that I meet, and sometimes just to take the time to say WoW!